September 27, 2013

Friday's Letters

Since I haven't posted in a LONG while...I decided to participate in this week's Friday's Letters. 

Cheating? Maybe. But I don't mind. I pass by her blog a lot and I love seeing her new bundle of joy :D

Dear Friday, you are the last Friday of the month and this also means that I am one week closer to my cruise <3 Excited? You bet your happy ass I am.
Dear Carnival Cruise, I am excited to finally get to see what the fuss is about cruising that makes people go crazy for. It's the all-you-can-eat, isn't it?
Dear E, you are getting so big I can't imagine what it's going to be like when you are talking and walking around like your brother. I love seeing how he makes you so happy and how excited you get when he comes back from "school". It brings tears to my eyes...
Dear JD, you are such a great big brother and such a good little (oops, big) boy. You are such a sweetheart and such a great kid and I'm not just saying that. Seriously. You're great. I am one lucky momma.
Dear Edward, I love you. That is all.
Dear me, you should stop slacking from your workout mode. One whole week without stepping foot in the box*, shame. You bring shame!
Dear Breaking Bad, I am one episode away from being completely caught up until your series finale. Can I just say, your creator, is the devil.

Happy Friday readers.

September 24, 2013

ipsy September 2013 "Classic Beauty" Review

Ah, it's finally here! I really really like this subscription and have remained faithful to this particular box. (OK, not a box but it's definitely worth it!)
I have to admit, I cannot remain in the shadows when it comes to the contents of this bag. I follow their FB page like a hawk and find myself reading a number of pages trying to figure out what's the next goodie I'll get. So, without further adieu, let's check out what we got this month!

that ever so familiar packaging
first look
This month, Michelle Phan, the one who started ipsy, gave everyone a sample of her newest thing called the Life Palette. Which is basically are a series of color palettes already picked out for different occasions for your everyday life situations.

I got the "out to lunch" palette to try out. Which of course I haven't... <.< but I will pretty soon. So keep an eye out for that post.

Freeman Beauty Facial Paper Mask:
I had pleaded with the heavens that I would not get something face-related. I am not that big on facial products to begin with and I'm pretty sure I was clear on my profile thing...Hmm. Should check that out. But power to those who know about this particular brand and would love to have something like this. Going to the gift pile!

J-Cat Beauty Fantabulous Lipstick:
Oh how I wished I would've gotten the Caityn Tinted Lip Balm instead. Weh. Well, regardless this is actually pretty nude which helps on those days that I'd rather accentuate my eyes rather than my lips. ;*

NYX Single Eyeshadow (Deep Charcoal):
I hear great things from this brand and I am more than happy to have a new eyeshadow to add to my collection. I only have a palette from Sephora. So this is nice to have.

Elizabeth Mott It's So Big Volumizing Mascara:
More mascara? Looks like I'll be well-stocked until the end of the year. I recently started using the one from last month's bag. So until I run'll be sitting in a bag with all the other stuff I haven't used from ipsy. lol

Starlooks Obsidian Kohl Eye Pencil:
I love eyeliner. I really do. Now, I would've loved to have the liquid eyeliner that they were offering...but meh. I guess none for me. Plus I've been into gel eyeliner which has worked better anyway. So take that!
I liked that it was dark on the first go. Excellent.
The bag:
Sapphire. My birthstone. Automatically a plus. I'd describe this as a sort of floral pattern...but it's really pretty. I put it on the top part of what I liked about this month's pick. That's what I'll be rocking out this month for sure.

I give this bag a 3 out of 5 this month. I didn't hate it but I wasn't in love with it. Plus the whole point is for me to try out new products and see what works for me. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure I'll know someone who would love to have it. Right?

Did you get this month's bag? What's you get? Love it, hate it? Share!
I don't regret it one bit! For $10/mo, you can't just NOT try it!

Disclosure: This link contains referral links.

September 18, 2013

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I am saying so what if...:

- I have been procrastinating a few of my assignments. I have a week to get it done and turn it in but why do they give me a week??? Oh well, not stressing it!

- I haven't cooked dinner for more than a week now. Not like JD really minds...he really loves eating sandwiches and PB&Js!

- I keep doing google searches on cruising. Looking at pictures of past cruisers during October...can you say obsessed?! I can't help it, I've never been cruising before...tell me I'm not the only one!

- I can never stop myself from knowing what I'm getting in my ipsy bag! Being spoiler-free is almost impossible for me...especially if then they have a glam room where they tell you what you're getting before it gets to your hands. I have to say I may have to update my profile because there were a few things I would have preferred.

- I keep doing these link-ups. What can I say? I enjoy them and I love reading new blogs that could become a staple in my daily morning routine. :)

- I keep seeing all these new babies popping up everywhere and it makes me a little baby crazy. @.@ But then again I remember the little ones I have now and I keep my legs crossed for Jesus. (lol)

What are you saying so what to?

September 16, 2013

Manic Monday -- 100th POST!

How long has it been since I actually posted a weekend recap on a Monday? Unheard of.
Regardless, happy Monday blog world.

I gotta say, I have weekend recaps. But my life is not very eventful sans birthday celebrations and those very few and far in between travel plans. Life of a mom?

- Last week we took JD to Home Depot for their monthly craft sessions. I gotta say though, the fact that JD was having a meltdown, was difficult more on Edward than me. Is it that I'm used to him melting down in public?
before the meltdown. picture perfect, right?
- I spent a good part of my afternoon taking a nap with the kids yesterday. It was rainy, all dark and grey...seemed appropriate enough. :D Man, it was good. 5 hours! Lucky me for spending an actual lazy Sunday in bed.

- Now that I (finally) have cable, you'd think I'd have plenty of shows that I could watch during downtime...Nope. None. I know I have the Season Premier of SVU coming up on the 25th, other than that...I've got nothing. I should really look around to see what shows would be interesting to watch. (Please don't say Breaking Bad, I know how good it's getting and I swear I'll catch up!)

- Do you know any various uses for vinegar? I stumbleuponed this and thought it might be nice to share! I use it for cleaning more than anything else since I have E and you know any other ways to use vinegar?

- Also, my ipsy tracking number arrived in my inbox this weekend but it seems like it hasn't moved in a while. I hate that. Seriously.

- Edit: I also like to include that this is my 100th post! 100 lovely posts since I started my blogging journey and I couldn't be more excited! :)

How was your weekend?

Disclosure: This post may contain referral links unless otherwise noted.

September 15, 2013

Sunday Football

Go Fins!

Sunday Social -- Week 15

Sunday Social

1. What is the name if your blog?
Nerd Mom to the Rescue! (I need some more creative
2. What do you love most about blogging?

I love being able to share ideas and thoughts that run through my's a lot sometimes and I wanna be able to spit it out to those who will listen (err, read).
3. Why did you start blogging?

I started when I was young and it was something I really liked. Now that I'm a mom, I realize that there's a whole lot of us that have things to share and I asked myself "Why not?".
4. What is something you’d want to tell someone just starting out in the blog world?

There's nothing wrong when you have no idea what you are doing. Write because you love it, not because you have to!
5. Biggest blogging learning experience you’ve had?

I'd like to think I'm still learning!
6. What are three blogs you love?

I follow like there's no tomorrow: Jen from Ramblings of a Suburban Mom; Shanon from Life After I Dew and The Beauty Department

Happy Sunday bloggers!

September 13, 2013


"A self portrait"
After much thought and several of "no", "ew", "what the hell...?"'s, I finally took one. I NEVER take pictures of myself anymore. I mainly take pictures of the kids, well, because they come out great in every picture! I for one, have terrible luck in self portraits.

...I should smile more.

September 11, 2013

Online shopping?

"Share links to your favorite online shops, preferably with a few photos of your favorite items in each shop."
I am not a big online shopper. I usually prefer to buy things that I can touch and try out so then I can REALLY decide that I like it and not because it is eye candy to me!


There are a few exceptions. Two actually.

I get emails from them daily. And I always keep an eye out for FREE SHIPPING on any order. I am in love with their necklaces and I have a TON. <.< Especially their owl necklaces.

courtesy of forever 21's website
I can't say no. I just can't. (I have this one actually. -.-) And I promise you that I walk into the store and my husband always threatens me with: "If you walk out with a necklace, I swear to God, I will throw it out when you're not looking."


Another one of the exceptions. I don't own a lot of heels. I discovered this website a while ago, but never bought any shoes. Then they had a BOGO sale.

I flipped.

courtesy of justfab
This is actually what may be my next purchase. :O I know that buying shoes online are a bit of a gamble but thankfully this website has an awesome guarantee and I am one satisfied customer!

What are your go-to websites? Maybe there are a few that you'd like to share and perhaps have great online sales! Or link up and join the fun :)

September 9, 2013

ENFJ = ?

I took a personality quiz my second semester of college. I think it was one of those Personal Effectiveness classes. I don't remember, my first year of college was a blur. (not because of parties, by the by!)

Looking back on my old score, I am still almost exactly the same! Still a ENFJ :P

What the hell does that mean???? What do letters have to do with personality?

More like personality types. I know that the test consists of a few questions in different areas regarding personality so depending your preference, you'll score more in one area than the other. Let's start with the first letter:

E = Extrovert vs Introvert.
Pretty self explanatory in my opinion. I tend to more extrovert than introvert but only with 12% preference for extrovert. That is pretty spot on. I like to socialize and do well in social settings. But of course, I enjoy being alone when I can and I'm okay with it.

N = INtuition vs Sensing.
I am a future planner, not a spur of the moment kind of person. I like to plan my days out and follow protocol. I don't think of today because I already thought of it yesterday. Which is not always a good thing, because I miss the finer details (the big picture person). I just know where I'm going and not about the how.
Also a 12% preference over sensing.

F = Feeling vs Thinking.
Although I look at the big picture, I am using my feelings instead of thinking objectively. I don't really like to use logic because I am concerned with the social implication of my decision making.
I have a 38% preference for this.

J = Judgment vs Perception.
Just like in intuition, I am a careful planner because I like predictability. I need the sense of control.
I have a 63% preference. (Explains my nature VERY well)

According to Wikipedia:
Extroverted feeling types seek continuity through harmonious relationships and collective values. They excel at picking up on values, simply because shared values are what create harmony. Some will profess the importance of tough-minded logic, justice and scholarly debate because their environments have these shared values. They tend to adopt the collective values of those in their social group.
I think it was pretty accurate then and now my score on this personality type test.

What about you? Are you an ENFJ? Or are you something else? Do you find this to be scary accurate? Tell me all!

September 8, 2013

Sunday Social -- Week 14

1. What is your favorite fall activity? 
I think hands down, I love the pumpkin carving. I've done it EVERY year with Edward since we got married and it's been a tradition ever since.  JD loves it and loves it even more since last year when he got to scoop out the insides (not my favorite part actually)

2. Do you follow a football team? If so, which one and why?
I am a Dolphins girl by default. I have followed them since I was a little girl and still been a fan since then. None of that bandwagon business for me, GO FINS!

3. What is something fun about fall in your area?
I live in Miami, the fall doesn't exist really. But I do like that it gets a few degrees chillier (I mean 80 degrees by midday).

4. What are your favorite fall staple outfits?
Boots, boots and more boots. I also like it when I get to keep my cardigan on all day. I cannot wait for such a day!

5. What things are you looking forward to most about this coming fall season?
Halloween with E. Oh I cannot wait to see that kind of costume I am going to put her in! I am thinking a little strawberry. Or maybe even this:
I'd die from the cuteness and the nerd inside me will melt.
6. What is your favorite fall holiday? Tradition?
See Question one. Other than that, I like Halloween just to see the kids trick-or-treat which is also a tradition in our household.

Happy Sunday readers!

September 6, 2013

Five on Friday...and MORE!

It's Friday! Oh my...I can't believe this week has passed by so quick! It seemed like so long ago that I was waiting for my birthday and now I'm officially 24 as of Sunday!

You're a baby!

So I'm told. But that doesn't bother me. I've always been the baby of every group of people I'm in. It's weird to be the oldest one @.@ I've already got that problem with being the oldest of 3.

My birthday/labor day weekend consisted of BBQ, beach, presents, cake and milestones! My baby E has officially started standing up (grabbing on to something of course) and she's unstoppable! She's also got her second tooth popping out so you all know what that's like: drool central.

On to my Five on Friday for this week:

I am LOVING my new coffee maker! As I have mentioned in previous posts, I was resorting to making coffee the old fashioned way, which meant that I wasn't having any coffee some mornings due to rushing out the door. Then birthday morning, BAM! I've got myself a new coffeemaker! I am in love!

Who wants a coffeemaker for their birthday?


My munchkin JD. He's been so patient with me and so's unfathomable how much a child loves their mom. Because I know I love him from heaven and back <3

Date Nights <3 This is so important as a couple to get away from it all for a bit. Although we came home before 12 (damn, I think it was even before 10), we enjoyed a little bonding time with each other. I think he's more than aware of how chattery I get after a couple drinks. Oops. lol

via ipsy website
OMGOSH OMGOSH OMGOSH! September is my favorite month because Fall is near and because it's the month I was born in. I love love LOVE the spoilers (I will post those up soon) and the bag is a sapphire blue which is the birthstone of the month. I CANNOT WAIT TO HAVE THAT BAG IN MY HANDS!

Shame shame shame on me for not catching up yet! D: I know that it's pretty repetitive: drama = someone dying + someone has sex + something traumatic happens to important character.
So sue me, I like watching it especially in my down time. But more importantly than me missing out is SVU coming VERY VERY soon. 
via tumblr

Thanks for stopping by!

September 5, 2013

Citrus Lane August 2013 review (8 month old)

I found out that I have a credit for referring people to Citrus Lane and I got so excited! You all are reading and (you new readers out there) actually do click my referral links.

-cries- You guys rock! 

Just kidding, I don't cry but seriously, you guys are awesome. :)

Edit: Yes, it took me a real long time to get this review in but at least it's now up!

First look

Barefoot Books Cleo's Color Book: 
This is always a welcomed item in our home. E's EXTREMELY interested in anything that has a lot of colors and JD, well. Let's just say I love seeing them two look over the book although JD gets mad at E for drooling over the book. lol

Rich Frog Little Stackers:
My only complaint is that those little stackers don't stick together very well after a while. But not like my daughter really cares about that. It's just something new for her to put in her mouth.

Amen to that.

She likes watching her big brother stack it and then have it just fall over a little afterwards. Hilariousness ensues.

Clean Well All Natural Hand Sanitizing Wipes:
Germs, germs, germs everywhere! This is such a great item, I mean I make sure that JD has a healthy habit of keeping his hands clean but this is also a fun way to keep those hands clean when I can't find the anti-bac bottle. Or better yet, for E's toys/teethers when they fall to the floor.

Ah Goo Baby Baby Bottle Strap:
I got this similar item in my bluum box last month but I think I may like this one better than the other 2 that I got. It's much more colorful than the plain orange one and green one.

Eek, point to Citrus Lane for taste.

Weleda Baby (SAMPLE) Diaper Rash Cream:
I got this in my June bluum box but a full sized one. Tsk tsk, this is one point to bluum on that. It's not creamy like Hipoglos or Desitin, a little too watery but it does work effectively and fast too.

I also received a code for FabKids for a free outfit (only pay shipping!) which I cannot wait to use :) I didn't do a cost on this month's box but overall, I didn't totally dislike this box, it had things that did make it superior to bluum, but I'd stick to my current box preference because I've been super happy with it.

Wanna try it out? Click here for my referral!

Disclosure: Links on this post may be referral links.