September 16, 2013

Manic Monday -- 100th POST!

How long has it been since I actually posted a weekend recap on a Monday? Unheard of.
Regardless, happy Monday blog world.

I gotta say, I have weekend recaps. But my life is not very eventful sans birthday celebrations and those very few and far in between travel plans. Life of a mom?

- Last week we took JD to Home Depot for their monthly craft sessions. I gotta say though, the fact that JD was having a meltdown, was difficult more on Edward than me. Is it that I'm used to him melting down in public?
before the meltdown. picture perfect, right?
- I spent a good part of my afternoon taking a nap with the kids yesterday. It was rainy, all dark and grey...seemed appropriate enough. :D Man, it was good. 5 hours! Lucky me for spending an actual lazy Sunday in bed.

- Now that I (finally) have cable, you'd think I'd have plenty of shows that I could watch during downtime...Nope. None. I know I have the Season Premier of SVU coming up on the 25th, other than that...I've got nothing. I should really look around to see what shows would be interesting to watch. (Please don't say Breaking Bad, I know how good it's getting and I swear I'll catch up!)

- Do you know any various uses for vinegar? I stumbleuponed this and thought it might be nice to share! I use it for cleaning more than anything else since I have E and you know any other ways to use vinegar?

- Also, my ipsy tracking number arrived in my inbox this weekend but it seems like it hasn't moved in a while. I hate that. Seriously.

- Edit: I also like to include that this is my 100th post! 100 lovely posts since I started my blogging journey and I couldn't be more excited! :)

How was your weekend?

Disclosure: This post may contain referral links unless otherwise noted.

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