September 9, 2013

ENFJ = ?

I took a personality quiz my second semester of college. I think it was one of those Personal Effectiveness classes. I don't remember, my first year of college was a blur. (not because of parties, by the by!)

Looking back on my old score, I am still almost exactly the same! Still a ENFJ :P

What the hell does that mean???? What do letters have to do with personality?

More like personality types. I know that the test consists of a few questions in different areas regarding personality so depending your preference, you'll score more in one area than the other. Let's start with the first letter:

E = Extrovert vs Introvert.
Pretty self explanatory in my opinion. I tend to more extrovert than introvert but only with 12% preference for extrovert. That is pretty spot on. I like to socialize and do well in social settings. But of course, I enjoy being alone when I can and I'm okay with it.

N = INtuition vs Sensing.
I am a future planner, not a spur of the moment kind of person. I like to plan my days out and follow protocol. I don't think of today because I already thought of it yesterday. Which is not always a good thing, because I miss the finer details (the big picture person). I just know where I'm going and not about the how.
Also a 12% preference over sensing.

F = Feeling vs Thinking.
Although I look at the big picture, I am using my feelings instead of thinking objectively. I don't really like to use logic because I am concerned with the social implication of my decision making.
I have a 38% preference for this.

J = Judgment vs Perception.
Just like in intuition, I am a careful planner because I like predictability. I need the sense of control.
I have a 63% preference. (Explains my nature VERY well)

According to Wikipedia:
Extroverted feeling types seek continuity through harmonious relationships and collective values. They excel at picking up on values, simply because shared values are what create harmony. Some will profess the importance of tough-minded logic, justice and scholarly debate because their environments have these shared values. They tend to adopt the collective values of those in their social group.
I think it was pretty accurate then and now my score on this personality type test.

What about you? Are you an ENFJ? Or are you something else? Do you find this to be scary accurate? Tell me all!

1 comment:

  1. I also scored similar to you on this test. Sort of creepy how in so few questions it can nail me down so accurately. Plus, it was fun to do!


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