August 20, 2013

Ipsy August 2013 "Glamour Academy" Review

Ah, I had been waiting for this bag for THE longest! (It decided to stay stuck in GA for like ever) It is definitely my favorite subscription box (bag, whatever) and I have not regretted it! Even though I don't really get what I really wanted (you'll see what I mean), but in the end, I am happy with these products I have never seen/heard of before.
Let the ipsy review begin!
Lovely pink bubbled envelope

First look
 Noya lip balm:
I'm not going to lie, I WAS SO DISAPPOINTED I DIDN'T GET THE LIPSTICK. For those of you who do not know, it was either this or the Urban Decay Revolution Lipstick. And I really wanted the latter. D:
Either way, this lip balm was actually pretty good. I love that it smelled (and tasted) like cherry and this is one of the items that will replace my MK lip balm since it's already down to the last twist. ;P

Pacifica Alight Multi-Mineral BB Cream:
I have been out on the market looking for good BB cream. First because I wanted to see the big fuss is all about. Second, I wanted to learn how to use it. Hmm. Ipsy, you might have read my mind this month. (except on the UD T_T) It is very light-weight, I used it after my morning routine of face-washing. A little goes a long way and it made my skin look pretty flawless. It is a little shimmery, but a least it's subtle and I could get over it. Makes a hell of use for those out-the-door moments when you can't really spend 30 minutes to make yourself look at least a bit more presentable ;)

Michael Todd Jojoba Charcoal Gentle Exfoliating Facial Scrub:
I'm not a big fan of facial scrubs. But I hear good things about this brand and it's facial cleansers/scrubs. I'll give it try in the near future but for now, my face feels/looks perfectly fine.

Chella Dazzling Dark Brown Eyebrow Color Pencil:
I am envious of all girls who have naturally full eyebrows. Even when I "fix" my eyebrows (when I say fix, I mean comb them and the occasional tear-fest from waxing), I am bound to very short eyebrows and a horrible scar from when I was like 3. This will probably be a new addition to the whole fixing my eyebrows routine and I can't wait to use it. :)

Pixi Beauty Lash Booster Mascara in Blackest Black:
I wouldn't have picked any other color other than black. I have tried using this electric blue from BBW (I forget which brand) and yeah...I'll never do that again. I'll stick to the black. lol This will probably be in hiding for a while until I use up the last mascara I bought (e.l.f, btw). But I will be excited to give this a go when I do decide to change things up a bit and add a little mascara when I wanna feel a little dressy. (life of a mom, right?)

Last but not least,
Oh this. THIS is what I was really waiting for this entire time. I was not entirely thrilled with the stuff I got but this makes up for it tenfold. It's got a Harry Potter-esque thing going on and it makes me feel like I should be getting to Platform 9 and 3/4 before I miss the train ride to Hogwarts. (my inner nerd just passed out)
This will definitely be going into my bag when I go back to school and all shall envy ;)

I know that most of these products were trial-sized and I didn't really have a value for them. But seriously, $10/mo and you get different products for you to try along with specials and coupons for you to buy the full-size? I don't know about you but that sounds like my kind of deal. Try it out!

Did you get an ipsy bag this month? Let me know what you thought of it!

Disclaimer: This post contains referral links. You get referred to a great subscription and I get a small thank you gift. It's a win-win!


  1. Never heard of the products, but wow - that bag is just gorgeous! It really is Harry Potter-esque!

    Junniku blog [Click!]
    - A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!

    1. Isn't it??? It is probably my favorite bag since I started out with ipsy.
      Thanks for stopping by!


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