September 11, 2013

Online shopping?

"Share links to your favorite online shops, preferably with a few photos of your favorite items in each shop."
I am not a big online shopper. I usually prefer to buy things that I can touch and try out so then I can REALLY decide that I like it and not because it is eye candy to me!


There are a few exceptions. Two actually.

I get emails from them daily. And I always keep an eye out for FREE SHIPPING on any order. I am in love with their necklaces and I have a TON. <.< Especially their owl necklaces.

courtesy of forever 21's website
I can't say no. I just can't. (I have this one actually. -.-) And I promise you that I walk into the store and my husband always threatens me with: "If you walk out with a necklace, I swear to God, I will throw it out when you're not looking."


Another one of the exceptions. I don't own a lot of heels. I discovered this website a while ago, but never bought any shoes. Then they had a BOGO sale.

I flipped.

courtesy of justfab
This is actually what may be my next purchase. :O I know that buying shoes online are a bit of a gamble but thankfully this website has an awesome guarantee and I am one satisfied customer!

What are your go-to websites? Maybe there are a few that you'd like to share and perhaps have great online sales! Or link up and join the fun :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the jewellery in Forever 21 too! If I go in the shop I end up browsing for over an hour! :-)


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