November 3, 2013

Sunday Social -- Week 22

Sunday Social1. What is currently on your wish list?
Dance Central 2/3 and the latest Just Dance games. Don't judge! For some reason those games bring me a lot of joy and that's what mommies need...something that brings them a little joy after being with the screaming children...

2. Share a new iPhone, droid, iPad app that you have recently discovered that we all need.
Recently I have discovered shopkicks. An app that gives you rewards for shopping (physically and via web)! After collecting a certain number of "kicks", you can redeem it for a reward (gift cards, etc).

3. What is a new fall tv show that you have added to your dvr?
I am an SVU fanatic and a Grey's drama geek. @.@ I have tried to watch Sleepy Hollow but something is always in the way or happens before I could watch it! D: I can only watch like a few heart can only take just a few cliffhangers at a time.

4. Share your social media links so we can follow you. (Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, etc) Tell us which is your favorite and why.
The one that I am for sure always on is Instagram @sweetsolitude. I like posting a little bit of everything!

5. What is a tv show, movie, or song that you could watch or listen to over and over and never get tired of?

I am  not a person that gets tired easily of a lot of things. Shoot, I can recite movie lines because I find that it is the one thing I am good at and because more than likely, it is a movie I have seen a bajillion times before. And songs? Yeah my iPod probably has a heart attack when I put a song on repeat.

Happy Sunday readers :)

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