August 21, 2013

SO WHAT Wednesdays

So What Wednesday
OH it's been so long since I have posted this link up, I decided it's about time I declared my so-whats for the week!
I am saying SO WHAT IF...

- I JUST bought my books for the new semester. I had, what, more than 2 months to search and buy my books on time? Procrastination my friend. Procrastination.

- I splurged on that chocolate chip frappe from McDonald's when I should've been thinking that a salad or a fruit cup would've been a healthier choice. Yeah, I forgot for a moment my goal for the cruise body.

- I skipped out on Crossfit on purpose yesterday. 150 wallballs. 150 WALLBALLS. It's not the 150 part that kills me, I could squat 150 times like there's no tomorrow. It's the fact that there's a 10lb medicine ball that I am throwing and catching while squatting is the "fun" part. I saved my arms but I know that usually when I miss out on something I hate, there's something worse the next day. D:

- All I am thinking about is the cruise. CRUISECRUISECRUISECRUISE. WITH NO KIDS. :D

- I don't wanna go anymore because I have to leave the kids behind for 4 days. D:

- I am really dragging out my posts on bluum and Citrus Lane. I feel a little lazy. (See point four.)

- I spent last night playing video games at an arcade and counted my DDR(*) time as workout time.

- My birthday is getting closer and I don't really feel like doing anything <.< I don't even want to host a party or have Edward host a party. I want cake and presents. And maybe a couple of margaritas or tequila shots. >.>

That's all for this link up! What are you saying so what to?

(*)Dance Dance Revolution. This game really makes you break out in sweat! lol Look for standard mode. You'll see what I mean.
Disclosure: This post may contain referral links unless otherwise noted.

1 comment:

  1. Visiting from SWW! First off, have fun on your cruise! I am totally jealous!!! Completely understand about not wanting to go because leaving the kids behind. Second, I have never heard of bluum! Pretty comparable to Citrus? Thirdly, Frappes are a complete weakness for me!


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