June 23, 2013

Sunday Social, Week 3

Sunday Social
1. What is your favorite store to shop at?
I love Forever 21 for jewelry and accessories. Target is my go-to store for clothing and everything else I might need.
2. If you could afford anything and everything, which designer brand would you covet?
I am not a designer clothing brand wearer or user. I never could afford it nor would I want to. <.< That's just me, I'm a strange person. (Maybe I'm not good at hypothetical questions...?)
3. What is your must have closet staple?
Cardigans. I love cardigans. I can't live without them. Even in 100 degree weather.
4. What is your favorite kind of shoes? (brand or type)
I love sandals/flip flops. I always wear them. It's easier than trying to balance in heels (heels are more of an outing shoe), or tying up my tennis shoes.
5. What is the best clothing deal you've ever gotten? (sale or amazing find)
I bought a whole outfit plus an extra v-neck shirt for $20 at Forever 21. I must say, I was impressed with myself and my bargain hunting skills.
6. What is a style you'd love to try?
I'd like to break out of my shell of jeans and t-shirts. Of course, it's comfortable but there has to be more to that right? Maybe more skirts? Shorts? Or will I blind everyone with my pale, bright, white skin?

Enjoy your Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Not strange at all. I don't think it's worth the money just to have someone's name on my clothes, either.


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