June 21, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Cookie and Kisses: The next time you bark like crazy at the UPS guy or ANYBODY that comes to the house for that matter, I will be sure to muzzle the both of you. (no, not really but you don't need to know that)
Dear JD: You made my heart swell up with emotion the other night when you told me that you really love me. I really love you too baby <3
Dear E, Those grunting noises to get my attention does not work on me. Maybe to your grandparents but not me. Just stop, please. It was cute the first 100 times and now I'm just tired of it because you seriously think that you will get me to pick you up.
Dear Edward, Have I told you today that you are just the sweetest, most loving husband in the world? No? Well, I just did :)
Dear Readers, You guys rock, end of story. <3

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