June 16, 2013

Social Sunday, Week 2

I am linking up for week 2 over at Ashley Lately and Neely for Social Sunday!

1. What is your biggest driving pet peeve?
Impatient people. I cannot stand being cut off simply because I decide to follow the rules. I have my moments where the full-on road rage kicks in but only if I am alone…so unless you see my little rugrats in the back of the car, beware!
2. Biggest Blogging pet peeve?
Word verification. GAH. If you don’t want comments, add this little annoying feature. Other than that, I = happy blogger.
3. Biggest general pet peeve?
I am not very neat. I know this, my husband knows this, my kids will never find out. But, I cannot tolerate other people's messiness. I just can't. I won't. OK, let's be clear, it's not like I'll go into your house and criticize you. No, my house has it's ups and downs, it will never be picture perfect. But if you live with me and you are a slob...I will destroy you. -.-*
4. What is your most irrational fear?
Chucky. I know that it's stupid and very irrational. But damn, that doll to a little kid is THE scariest thing to ever come on the face of this Earth (err, television). Still not over it.
5. 3 celebrities you’d want to have dinner with?
I have this idea that most celebrities are so high up on their horse that they forget that they were once like us. Not famous. So come back to me later with that question once I finish watching these "Inside the Actor's Studio" episodes...

Have a great Father's Day readers!

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