June 14, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Mail-lady, Have I ever done anything to offend you that I gotta get attitude with eye rolling and everything? Or is it that you had to get out of your mail truck in order to give me my package?
Dear E, I assume when you pull away from me, you're done eating. So, why do you cry when I straighten you back up? Or when I do put you back, you pull and tug? It hurts. A LOT. Make up your mind, for both our sake, yes?
Dear JD, I know that you are a big boy. You don't let me forget it. But, those tantrums? Yeah, that's not big boy behavior. Please, oh please, get over the tantrum stage soon. kthanks.
Dear FIU, we are almost at the end of the Summer A term. Then good-bye until August! Then I will once again be your slave.
Dear people on FB, if I read ANY spoilers for Man of Steel, I promise you, I will leave you for the Twitter people.
Dear Candy Crush, I have been on the same level for 3 weeks now. 3 weeks! If you don't let up soon, I'm leaving you for another game.

Happy Friday readers.

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