June 17, 2013

Manic Monday

Mondays. Oy vey. As you can already tell, I have a love/hate relationship with Mondays...but as long as I have my cup of coffee, I think I can handle it. Lol. This weekend's recap:

- Father's Day was great! OK, maybe not SO great. But it was good enough to make Edward smile. He LOVED his presents, especially the sentimental one. I couldn't help myself, I cried. (I made him one of those photo books on Shutterfly, totally worth it!) Oh, and the Beer Boxer? Perfect for my beer-loving husband (Review coming soon!).

- Along with Father's Day was also my kid brother's birthday! He turned the big 1-8 and I feel a little old. (OK, 23 is NOT old, but so sue me, I changed this kid's diaper!)

- I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS SEMESTER TO BE OVER(*). I kid you not, I was probably re-reading the same line for 2 hours. 0.0 I like Behavior Analysis a lot. I really do. But, I get discouraged when I think I know the material and turns out I didn't. Plus, I had a headache. (Maybe from the lack of caffeine? I ran out of coffee. O:)

- I know I am SUPER late with the Grey's Anatomy thing. I never had watched it from the very beginning but I had seen most of Season 8 thanks to my sister-in-law. But holy hell, goddamn it...the Meredith-Derek thing was killing me for 2 seasons in a row. How can I do that to myself? T_T
SVU, come back already!

Enjoy a productive Monday!

(*) I already sound like a broken record. I think the internet knows I hate this. lol
Disclosure: All links (unless otherwise noted) are links to their respective websites.

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