June 25, 2013

Manic Tuesday?

Monday was definitely manic for me. Playing catch-up at work was not at all fun and I honestly thought I could've lost my mind. On the bright side, at least I have one monkey off my back.

- I finally saw my best friend on Saturday. It's been a while and it couldn't come at a better time :)
- I spent my Sunday on date with the hubby :3 which is of course the best Sunday I could ask for.
- I already got my Ipsy bag and that review will be up  is finally up! I gotta say, couldn't have come at a better time and now for bluum to come in the mail...
- I was reading "Bossypants" by Tina Fey while browsing through Barnes and Noble and I was super tempted to buy it. It was interesting, much more interesting than I thought it was going to be. Ok, the next time I get those hypothetical questions about celebrities, I know what I will answer. Cause I do like her, even more now since I read her book.
- This week, I will be doing CrossFit 3 days in a row. D: Wish me luck on my weight-loss-strength-building-lunch-losing journey.

Happy Tuesday readers.


  1. Bossypants was pretty good! I laughed out loud a few times. :) Can't wait to see what Tina Fey does next!

    1. Yeah, I found myself being stared at from how many times I laughed out loud! And I agree, I can't wait either, she's brilliant!


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