May 25, 2013

Remixing Wardrobe? Whaaaaa?

I still dress as if I am still a 17 year old. And I'm talking MY 17 year old self--baggy pants, tank tops, loose fitted clothing. Edward recently started buying more "woman-like" clothing for me and I feel like a fish out of water. I liked my tom-boyish look...-.- and I don't want to dress like a mom. There are clothes in my closet (given to me as gifts) which I have not even worn.

Soooo, I started doing some googling (this should be an official word by now) and I found this page Putting me together. I have no fashion sense. I did not know a lot of things that this page was talking about but it peaked my curiosity and helped me see clothes in a different way. Remix-able!

So I am challenging myself to try to change up my look and try something new. I'm not getting younger (ok, I know 23 is not old, but it feels it when you have 2 kids!) and instead of   buying new clothes, I'll change it up!

What about you? Are you fashion forward or fashion handicapped? Maybe this website could help you out or reinforce what you already knew?

- Mel

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