December 19, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

Today I am showing some love at Jennifer's link up over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom because a) there are a few things I'd like to rant about and b) I just really love her link ups.

~ I have been pretty upset these last few days...yeah sure, I'm not much of a cheery person when I am stuck in lines after hunting for perfect gifts for the family. But if there's one thing that upsets me the most, are thieves.
Nobody likes getting their sh!t stolen.
UPS dropped off some packages at my door (I was not home).
Neighbors confirmed they saw packages.
Got home.
No packages.
No one saw anything.
Upset? Pissed? You bet. It makes me so sad that people would have the audacity to take packages and that no one is neighbor-ly enough to help out.

~ On a lighter note, I thank God for the good people of Amazon who totally understood the situation. This made me feel a little better but still a little pressured to have to wait for the money to come back into my account just to get it to go back out. -.-

~ Christmas is here in 6 days!

~ My baby boy is finally 4 years old. :3 He's grown so really feels like only yesterday he was as big as E...
birthday party on Sunday
He had so much fun at his birthday party even at his surprise party at daycare! Which even if his dad wasn't able to be there, he told him all about it that very evening :)

~ ^ This means that E is almost a year old! :O As if the holidays and JD's birthday weren't enough to stress me out a little more... But regardless, my babies are growing up so fast. Where does the time go, seriously?

~ I finally got to see my final grades for the class and I passed! Just barely but I passed! :D Never again will I take more than 2 classes a semester. -.-;

What are your thoughts? How are the holidays treating you? Share and/or link up!

TTGood copy


  1. I am sorry to hear about your packages! I hope everything gets resolved quickly!

    And happy birthday to your son!Hooray for December babies :-)

    1. It's been a pretty rough and frustrating situation but all is going well! And yessss, hooray for December babies! :3

  2. Ugh! That's terrible having your packages taken.
    Have you tried UPS My Choice? It gives you the ability to control when your packages are delivered.
    Also, with the increase of package thefts, I would suggest having them delivered to your work or friend/relative that will be home. I currently receive a couple of packages for friends.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

    1. Nothing like getting packages stolen to damper christmas spirit. I don't usually send packages to my house, I usually send it to my dad's because he is always there and he lives nearby. My husband was the one who forgot (after the million times I reminded him) and sent them to our address. Of course, an "I told you so" is in order but I held my tongue off this time. hahaha
      Thanks for stopping by and have a merry christmas as well!


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