August 29, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

My oh my. Labor day weekend is upon us which I am sure that many of you aren't even really here here. You're just...there.


Anyway, so I am linking up today to Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for a little Thursday Thoughts:

- It's a little refreshing to be getting back into the grind of school. I think a little change in the environment is a good thing because doing the same old thing can get a bit boring.

- I miss my JD. I haven't really spent too much time with him these last few weeks since I started going to CF at night and since he started his little daycare trial. D:
I have noticed a few changes in his behavior:
1) He's eating. A lot. Which is a big deal because he's been super picky when it comes to food and now he eats everything with no problem! I mean he still has the whole vegetable thing going on but other than that he's improved in his eating habits.
2) He's socializing a lot more. I mean, he's not a social butterfly but his mannerisms have been showing a lot more since he's had to put everything we taught him into play.

- I also miss E. Since the daycare is right next door to aunt-in-law's (do we say that? I know Hispanics have a word for it) house and that's where my MIL has been staying so it's easier than having JD waiting for me to go get him at the daycare. So E just stays with her grandmother and I have the freedom of getting work done a lot faster than if the kids were with me. The sad part is, I still don't get a lot of work done because I end up calling every couple of hours to see how my little E is doing. D: Typical mommyhood.

- As for my CF progress, I can tell that I have been making some. Every week that passes by, I see some sort of improvement in my strength and my endurance levels. Which believe me, after being sedentary for so long... there's bound to be some sort of change in my stamina.

Note: I do CrossFit not to lose weight, but to build strength and endurance. I want to be fit, not thin.

That's it for now, what are your thoughts? Share and link up!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am visiting through Jen's linkup! I go to the gym a couple of days per week (more when the kids are in school) to try and regain some of my former fitness level. I have to be careful because I have a bad back and foot. Day Care can be really great to bring some kids out of their shell. It worked for my best friend when her son was 2. On the other hand, it took 2 years of preschool for my youngest to come out of hers!


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