July 9, 2013

Manic Tuesday

While I would have loved to update you on my weekend on a Monday, yeah. I don't see that happening. It was too manic for a Monday to be posting lol.
This past week was 4th of July "weekend". I'm pretty sure a lot of you out there were able to take a nice weekend to just chill and watch fireworks.
This year our firework watching was more from the car rather than just sitting out on a lawn and watch them. <.< Long story short, we ended up seeing the whole firework show on the ride over because by the time we got there, it was already over. -.- It was a little sad since JD was super excited to watch them but it was still nice to see him get a smile out of watching them from his seat. E could care less since she was sleeping, lol. (I promise she is like me, she is not easily disturbed by loud noises, lucky me, right?)

Saturday, we were invited to their cousin's pool party since his birthday landed on a weekday (the 4th). The kids had a lot of fun. I called them my little mer-people since it was impossible to remove them from the water after all.

Also, that Saturday was the first of the month, so a trip to Home Depot was definite. But this time, Daddy came along and I don't know who was more into the workshop...I give you exhibit A and B:

I love seeing them bond :D
Proud JD
I did Crossfit in the morning. My husband says I'm broken. (lol) I don't feel energized, if anything I feel sicker than the first time I did CF. D: But it was a good workout anyway...

How's your Tuesday?

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