August 18, 2013

Sunday Social Week 11

1. What is something you've always wanted to do but are afraid of? I've always wanted to skydive. That's been my dream to do as a big F-U to my fears. Vertigo is like my number one fear next to cockroaches and creepy crawlers.
2. Where do you see yourself in five years? I see myself working on my Master's and by then already renting a house instead of a small apartment and possibly working on baby no. 3 (yes, you heard me. Remember, Edward wants a big family)
3. What are you looking forward to before the end of 2013?  I am looking forward to my first cruise! Woot! I cannot wait and have a countdown on my phone and everything! lol
4. What are your hopes for your blog? I am hoping to see my blog flourish in not only readers but also in discovering myself and the kind of person I am and what I can bring to help other people who also search the internet for answers.
5. Do you always see yourself living in your current town/city? I do and I don't. I do because I have learned to love my city...but then again, maybe there are better opportunities for my family elsewhere and I'll never know until I decide that it's time for bigger and better things. So it's always a big IF and it's a big conversation with Edward but until then, I see myself still living in the beautiful and frustrating MIA.
6. What is your morning routine? Wake up at 7 AM and feed E. JD wakes up shortly after and we cuddle while E is still feeding. We get up and have breakfast in our PJs and then run like crazy (mainly me)  when we realize we've taken too long to get up and eat breakfast. lol

Happy Sunday readers!

1 comment:

  1. Most people are scared of skydiving and I am one of them. It's not anywhere in my near future!


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