August 11, 2013

Sunday Social Week 9 and 10

It's another edition of Social Sunday over at Ashley Lately and A Complete Waste of Makeup! Here are this week's and last week's questions (yeah, busy weekend!):

-Week 9-

1. What are 3 items you can't live without on a daily basis (water, food, shelter, and clothes don't count) In a day and age where technology has taken over and the information of the world is at your fingertips, I find that the internet is something I cannot live without. I also cannot live without a good/comfy pair of jeans (yes, they said no clothes but this is essential to me). I think we all have that pair where they should've been thrown away long ago but procrastination (and the inability to part) got the best of you. 
2. What is your all time favorite book? Why? My all-time favorite book has to be Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I mean, I love this entire series. But this particular one was 1) long and NOT boring and 2) so full of emotion and craziness, I felt too close to Harry. When I am immersed in a book, there is no way to make me part from it. 

3. What is something you'd like to accomplish before the end of 2013? 
4. If you could go back and relive any year of your life which year would it be? Maybe my freshman year of high school or my sophomore year. Either one, I had some great times!
5. What do you wish people knew about you without you having to tell them? I don't like fake people. Take your act somewhere else because I'm not interested to see it. Be real, you'll be doing yourself a favor.

-Week 10-

1. When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a veterinarian. I love animals. I loved playing doctor on my stuffed animals and I thought that it was something possible for me to do. Until I got older and realized that being a doctor is harder than I thought. lol
2. What was your favorite way to kill time as a kid? My cousins (from my mother's side), my siblings and I used to be street rats. I mean we would be outside from when the sun was out until it was about to set. We also enjoyed being at the pool. Then the PS1(*) came out and we spent hours on that thing playing all sorts of games. Thus my love for video games was further explored since then.
3. When did you get your first cell phone? I got a pre-paid phone when I was 12. Then my dad upgraded me to a full fledged phone with unlimited everything (Metro PCS). Had that Nokia brick phone which I swear could last through the apocalypse. lol
yeah, I don't think I needed to even show you. lol
4. What is your favorite magazine to read? I don't really read magazines. But I pick up a few titles here and there at the line in the grocery store.
5. What is the one random object people would be surprised to find in your purse? At this point, I don't think I can surprise anyone with what I have in my purse. I've got kids man, and I have found half eaten crackers, dirty laundry (I don't know how the heck to this day), sticky candy and other miscellaneous things that make even the biggest hoarder tell me wtf. lol My purse has become an extra diaper bag/garbage dispenser. <.<

Happy Sunday readers!

(*)Playstation One

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