Ah! It's that time again, where after what seemed like eons from the time I get my tracking number to when it gets to my mailbox. I think they should really reassess the carrier they are using for shipping because it's ridiculous that this bag is stuck in Georgia forever. -.- /rant
Anyway, on to the review:
Nailtini in Champagne (full size):
What a pretty color. I had seen previews for it before but I didn't see the big fuss until I finally saw it in person. Nailtini has actually been in previous bags before (in July, I believe) and I don't really mind because to me, the more nail polish I have, the better. (No, I do not have a problem. Just an obsession.)
Be a Bombshell lip crayon in Shameless (full size):
More red? Yes, please. But this is not red red. This is more of a hint of red with a pinkish tint. It is definitely recommended to use it with something moisturizing. I find that this is the only flaw with this lip pencil, but other than that I love the rich color.
EM Cosmetics Lash Gallery Dramatic Volume Mascara (full size):
I loved it, loved it, loved it! It worked really really well and delivered very beautiful eyelashes. I was very satisfied that it left no clumps and it kept my eyelashes well fanned out with sufficient volume. As you can see in exhibit A below. (This is the picture I could get under the circumstances)
such awesome eyelashes. |
Starlooks Gem Eye Pencil in Amethyst (full size):
I was hoping that I would get this color, It's perfect for little subtle shimmer in my make up to change things up a bit.
Close up. |
BH Cosmetics Galaxy Chic Eyeshadow in Neptune (sample size):
I don't see myself using this color very often but it does make a nice combination with the Starlooks eye pencil I got in this bag.
Pixi Beauty Bronzer in Subtly Suntouched (full size):
I was slightly disappointed to see that this was in a very light color. Worked more as a blush kind of color for me...but still, I liked it more than my e.l.f bronzer.
Swatched: 1) lip crayon, 2) Pixi bronzer, 3) Eyeshadow, 4) Eye pencil |
The bag:
I am not too crazy about the snake skin looking bag. BUT, this has a nice little feature that I haven't seen in the other bags: a little loop for easy-to-carry.
By far, this is my favorite bag (for it's contents). We got some really nice stuff this month and I am crazy to see what's in store for next month!
If you wanna try it out, here's my referral link!
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