September 18, 2013

SO WHAT! Wednesday

This week I am saying so what if...:

- I have been procrastinating a few of my assignments. I have a week to get it done and turn it in but why do they give me a week??? Oh well, not stressing it!

- I haven't cooked dinner for more than a week now. Not like JD really minds...he really loves eating sandwiches and PB&Js!

- I keep doing google searches on cruising. Looking at pictures of past cruisers during October...can you say obsessed?! I can't help it, I've never been cruising before...tell me I'm not the only one!

- I can never stop myself from knowing what I'm getting in my ipsy bag! Being spoiler-free is almost impossible for me...especially if then they have a glam room where they tell you what you're getting before it gets to your hands. I have to say I may have to update my profile because there were a few things I would have preferred.

- I keep doing these link-ups. What can I say? I enjoy them and I love reading new blogs that could become a staple in my daily morning routine. :)

- I keep seeing all these new babies popping up everywhere and it makes me a little baby crazy. @.@ But then again I remember the little ones I have now and I keep my legs crossed for Jesus. (lol)

What are you saying so what to?

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