September 3, 2013

Me, the REAL story.

I am joining Jenni in her #BLOGTEMBER challenge for September.

Get it? Blogging + September? XD

So I'm gonna have fun with this. I know with all of school fogging my brain up, I will need some sort of something to help me relax my brain and exercise the creative part ;)

Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.

Don't mind if I do.

I came from my parents. They decided it was a good idea to spawn children and I was the experimental one.

OK, that came out a bit raw. But, seriously. I was born in Florida where the weatherman is wrong about 70% of the time and you are advised to take rain boots and umbrellas with you in your car at all times.

When I turned the ripe ol' age of 13, my life pretty much went into a spiral of emotions and downhill in attitude issues and god knows what other things that make 13 years old crazy. Please tell me that there was something in our drinking water! I was rebellious and gave my parents (although they were divorced) hell and more grey hairs than they'd like to mention.

Although I was a handful, I had people in my life that looked out for me. My grandmother (maternal) was one of them. As a child of Hispanic parents, getting scolded by your grandmother was beyond normal and she was the one that put me in line plenty of times. But at the same time, sympathized and listened to what I had to say. She's the one who would make me reflect and taught me how to. My grandfather (her husband) would use the word "dosificar" (pronounced do-see-fee-kar) which means to learn to prioritize and would urge me to really learn to this as it would help me learn what is really important (school) and what is not (boyfriends).

"Pfft. As if!" said my 16 year old self.

Both of these people would give me such great advice but as the dumbass I was with the know-it-all attitude...I went through a lot of pain. A huge heartache. And some more pain. Some could've been avoided, others...well. That's another story.

Then I met my (future) husband. He slowed my roll and encouraged me to be a better person. Then all my grandparents' lesson came flooding back in and I started to let myself become who I really wanted to be and channeled that teenage anger into something else.

Life is hard. I won't deny that. There are things I wish I could change about myself, I mean, who doesn't, but then again those are qualities that I wouldn't wanna change because they are my battle scars. Like my caution towards other people or my lack of patience (short fuse, etc).

But as of now, I'd prefer to keep learning life lessons and keep shaping myself to become the example to my children would want to look up to. And I'm not just saying that, I really want to live up to it.

1 comment:

  1. Your spirit shines through your post. I have to say, I was attracted to your blog title, "Nerd Mom to the Rescue!" Love love love it, probably because I can relate to it!

    I enjoyed your read and can relate very much to the zanyness that is 13 and 16. I somehow have been blessed with daughters who are incredibly down to Earth and are becoming friends as they get older.

    Glad to find you via Blogtember!


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