May 1, 2013

Wet Wednesday

As always in Miami, we have either death-inducing heat or become flood central in the spring. It's already May 1st, April storms should be over by now...get with the program!

There are a few things I am obsessing over this week:
1. JGL (need I say more?)
2. Daft Punk's newest single "Get Lucky"
3. "This is the End" -- Newest film with James Franco, Craig Robinson, Seth Rogen and Danny McBride and many more acting as themselves! Hubby and I will be attending the midnight premier for this and we're so excited!

Things that have left me wanting to rant:
1. Miami weather -.-
2. Cleaning and re-cleaning after hurricane JD passes by
3. The fact that I haven't seen an episode of Naruto Shippudden in like 3 weeks because they are fillers. Yes, I would read the chapters, but ain't nobody got time for that. Especially knowing that I'm the kind of person who can't just pick up where I left off. Just doesn't work that way. It's all or nothing.

- Mel

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